Nyieun Radar Basajan



Kaamanan perimeter/

Intelligent Perimeter Security Alarm System

The perimeter security alarm software is to manage multiple perimeter surveillance terminals, AI-video boxes with security radar and video surveillance cameras, integrated smart algorithm. The perimeter security alarm management platform software is the hub of the whole perimeter security system. Sabot intruder asup ka wewengkon zone alarm, sensor radar delivers lokasi intrusion ngaliwatan deteksi aktip, akurat nangtukeun jenis intrusion kalawan visi AI, ngarekam video tina prosés intrusion, sarta ngalaporkeun ka platform manajemén alarem kaamanan perimeter, jadi aktip, three- dimensional monitoring and early warning of the perimeter is addressed.

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The perimeter security alarm software is to manage multiple perimeter surveillance terminals, AI-video boxes with security radar and video surveillance cameras, integrated smart algorithm. The perimeter security alarm management platform software is the hub of the whole perimeter security system. Sabot intruder asup ka wewengkon zone alarm, sensor radar delivers lokasi intrusion ngaliwatan deteksi aktip, akurat nangtukeun jenis intrusion kalawan visi AI, ngarekam video tina prosés intrusion, sarta ngalaporkeun ka platform manajemén alarem kaamanan perimeter, jadi aktip, three- dimensional monitoring and early warning of the perimeter is addressed.



Smart radar AI-video perimeter security system can work with the security system in the market including CCTV and Alarm System. The perimeter surveillance terminals and smart AI boxes supports ONVIF & RTSP, also comes with alarm outputs like relay and I/O. Besides, the SDK/API is available for third party security platform integration.



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